St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church—LCMS
40291 NE 40th Ave., Preston, Kansas 67583
Website: www.stpaulpreston.org              
Telephone: (620) 672-5354
Email: splcms@sctelcom.net (Office)        
           mslcms@sctelcom.net (Pastor)
Rev. Michael Schotte, Pastor
FIRST SUNDAY IN ADVENT     December 1. 2024
ORDER OF WORSHIP:   LSB – Divine Service, Setting One, pgs. 151ff
HYMNS: 334  - 332  - (606 - 333  - 623)  - 331
SERMON: Jesus Comes        TEXT: Luke 19:28-40
ADULT CHOIR: Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates (LSB #341) - Cong. st. 5
 “Make me to know Your ways, O LORD; 
teach me Your paths. 
Lead me in Your truth and teach me, 
for You are the God of my salvation; for You I wait all the day long. 
Remember Your mercy, O LORD, and Your steadfast love, 
for they have been from of old. 
Remember not the sins of my youth or my transgressions; 
according to Your steadfast love remember me, 
for the sake of Your goodness, O LORD!” 
(Psalm 25:4-7) 
“Indeed, none who wait for You shall be put to shame; 
they shall be ashamed who are wantonly treacherous” (Psalm 25:3). 
•              Thanks be to God for all of our gifts of daily bread. 
•              We ask the Lord to give healing and recovery to Marilyn Herren after surgery last week; we pray that His healing and strength will sustain Judy Starrett in days of illness; for help and strength from the Lord Jesus for all for whom we pray.
•              That the peace of the Lord Jesus and the friendship of Christian neighbors will bring joy and contentment to those who are lonely. 
•              For a proper understanding of, appreciation for, and thanksgiving to God for this season of Advent. 
•              For safety in travel and in our daily work, especially as days of winter approach. 
MIDWEEK ADVENT SERVICES AND SUPPERS begin this week Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. The Responsive Prayer 2 in Lutheran Service Book (pages 285-287) will be used as the order of our worship. We will eat supper together in the church basement following worship.  The adult choir will rehearse, and Midweek classes will be held, after supper until 8:00 p.m.  These Wednesday evening Advent events will take place on December 4th, 11th, and 18th.
THIS MORNING IN THE DIVINE SERVICE we celebrate the Sacrament of the   Altar in which the Lord gives to us the gifts of  His  body and  blood for our forgiveness, life, and  salvation. With deep love for God’s  Word and respect for fellowship of faith in  confessing His Word, we practice closed  communion. Visitors to  our congregation today who desire to  receive the  Lord’s  Supper should  speak  with the  pastor  before the  service. To  those joining  in Holy Communion from a congregation of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, please fill out an attendance card that we may inform your congregation of your communion with us.  Pastor will offer the chalice after the elder has distributed the individual cups.
LADIES OF ST. PAUL - Please join us for food and fellowship from 5-8 pm this Thursday, December 5th.  We will gather at Kathie Thurman’s house at 316 Grove St. in Pratt.  Bring a friend to share our Advent joy!
LADIES ARE INVITED to Advent by Candlelight at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Cheney next Sunday, December 8th at 3:00. See the details posted on our elevator door. 
CHRISTMAS EVE PRACTICE will begin next Sunday, December 8th, following the worship service. Two more practices will be held on December 15th and the 22nd.  Please let Terri Liggett know if you have children and/or grand children who would like to participate in the Christmas Eve Program.
THE FOOD ITEMS suggested for the Pratt County Food Bank for the month of December are pancake mix and/or pancake syrup. These and other non-perishable food items may be placed in the donation box at the south entrance of the church. 
STEWARDSHIP SENTENCES based on Luke 19:31 – “If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ you shall say this: ‘The Lord has need of it.’” Consider the faithfulness of that man who owned the donkey and colt. All he needed to hear was, “The Lord has need of it,” and he willingly gave. The Lord has given each of us various callings in life (in our homes, in the church and in the communities we live in). In each calling we have good work to do, which comes from the Lord’s 
hand. The Lord has need of us in each calling. 
LUTHERANS FOR LIFE has partnered with historic LCMS broadcast service Worldwide KFUO Radio. LFL’s Executive Director, Pastor Michael Salemink, serves as the voice of KFUO’s daily Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer segments, based on the outstanding Treasury of Daily Prayer, leading listeners in Scripture readings and liturgical responses. Go to kfuo.org and tune in to these daily prayer programs (7:00-7:15 each morning; 5:00-5:30 each evening), or to find archived sermons. Go to cph.org to learn more about Treasury of Daily Prayer
HEAD USHER: Gary McGuire                                             ALTAR COMMITTEE: Gayla Schwertfeger
ELDERS: Derek Liggett, Shan Hullman, Lee Van Slyke                                         Samantha Houtwed  Amanda Riggs                                                                                                                                                       Sharon Schwertfeger   Erin Schwertfeger

TODAY - 8:00 am - The Lutheran Hour, KGNO (Dodge City, 1370 AM)
                8:00 am - The Lutheran Hour, KCVW (Wichita, Hutch., 94.3 FM)
                8:25 am - The Lutheran Hour, KMMM (Pratt, 1290 AM)
                8:30 am - The Lutheran Hour, KWBW (Hutchinson, 1450 AM)
              10:00 am - St. Paul Radio Broadcast, KMMM (Pratt, 1290 AM)
                6:00 pm - The Lutheran Hour, KREJ (88.1 FM)                             
MONDAY - 8:00 - 11:00 am - Secretary’s Office Hours   
TUESDAY - 9 am - 2 pm - Quilt Group meets
WEDNESDAY - 8:00 - 11:00 am - Secretary’s Office Hours
                          6:30 pm - Advent Service and Supper
                                        - Midweek Classes and Choir
THURSDAY - 12:00 noon - Ladies’ Aid Luncheon
                      5-8 pm - Christmas Gathering @ Kathie Thurman’s
                      6:30 pm - Bible Study                                                     
                      7:30 pm - L.L.L.
FRIDAY - 8:00 - 11:00 am - Secretary’s Office Hours                 
SUNDAY - 9:00 am - Sunday School and Bible Class
                10:00 am - Worship 
                                  Christmas Eve Practice
THE LUTHERAN HOUR“Will Everything Sad Come Untrue” (Jeremiah 33:16).  A mother and her young son trade a life of privilege for one of poverty, a story that is borderline unbelievable, yet nonetheless true. Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler.
FOR YOUR INFORMATION - There have been requests for David Schotte's online music project. The following is a link to be used with computer or phone, clicking on the word "subscribe" notifies of new content as it becomes available: https://www.youtube.com/@TheLutheranKantorProject
About the Cover:   As a cloud once obscured the disciples’ view of Jesus’ ascension into heaven, a day is coming when He will return in the same way (see I Thessalonians 4:17).  The world shall see Jesus coming with all of His saints on the Day of Judgment. Though we do not see Him with our natural eyes today, we see Him by faith in His Word and Sacrament, where He delivers the benefits of all that He accomplished in His ministry, death, and resurrection.  For in Christ, we have already passed through judgment and into eternal life through His forgiveness of our sins.
OLD TESTAMENT READING - Jeremiah 33:14-16
EPISTLE - I Thessalonians 3:9-13
HOLY GOSPEL - Luke 19:28-40
