St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church—LCMS
40291 NE 40th Ave., Preston, Kansas 67583
Website: www.stpaulpreston.org              
Telephone: (620) 672-5354
Email: splcms@sctelcom.net (Office)        
           mslcms@sctelcom.net (Pastor)
Rev. Michael Schotte, Pastor
ORDER OF WORSHIP:  LSB – Divine Service, Setting III, pgs. 184ff
HYMNS: 895  - 644  - (602  - 666) - 774
SERMON: Receive from Jesus Gifts for Now and for Eternal Life
Text: Mark 6:30-44
 Come, O Christ, and reign among us, 
King of love and Prince of Peace; 
Hush the storm of strife and passion, 
Bid its cruel discords cease. 
By Your patient years of toiling, 
By Your silent hours of pain, 
Quench our fevered thirst of pleasure,
Stem our selfish greed of gain. 
(LSB, #842, st. 3) 

“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want” (Psalm 23:1). 
Refer to the “Prayers, Intercessions, and Thanksgivings” in Lutheran Service Book (pages 305-318) to offer assistance in your prayers for: 
▪   The Church, the mission of the Church, those outside the Church (pg. 305) 
▪   Our enemies and return of the wayward and erring (pg. 306) 
▪   Church musicians and artists (pg. 307) 
▪   Right reception of the Lord’s Supper and thanksgiving after receiving the Sacrament (pg. 308) 
▪   A general intercession (pgs. 308-309) 
▪   Thanksgiving to God (pg. 310) 
▪   Steadfast faith (pg. 311) 
▪   The sick (pg. 316) 
These are several among many brief prayers for various daily needs and circumstances. If you do not have a Lutheran Service Book for your home and would like to purchase one, please visit with Pastor or make your request to the church office.
THE EVANGELISM COMMITTEE invites anyone interested in helping with some projects to meet briefly in the parlor after worship this morning.
THIS MORNING IN THE DIVINE SERVICE we celebrate the Sacrament of the Altar in which the Lord gives to us the gifts  of  His body  and  blood for  our  forgiveness, life,  and  salvation. With deep love for God’s Word and respect for fellowship of faith in  confessing His Word, we practice closed communion.  Visitors to our congregation  today  who desire to receive  the  Lord’s Supper should  speak  with the  pastor  before the  service. To  those joining  in Holy Communion from a congregation of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, please fill out an attendance card that we may inform your congregation of your communion with us.  Pastor will offer the chalice after the elder has distributed the individual cups.
THE INSTALLATION OF Rev. Brendon Moore as Associate Pastor of Ascension Lutheran Church of Wichita will take place this afternoon at 4:00 p.m. This will be held at Ascension’s Maple Street location (12885 W. Maple St.). 
LET’S CELEBRATE SHARON!  The Schwertfeger family would like to invite the congregation for dinner and dessert following church services, in the church basement, on Sunday, July 28th, in honor of God’s many blessings for our special lady who is turning 80!
STAY UP TO DATE with news of Christ’s church across the Kansas District. Go to kslcms.org to find issues of Workers Together, the district newsletter (About Us menu, Communications), learn of calling congregations and recently called workers, congregation resources, news and updates of the approaching 2025 Kansas District Convention (President’s Office menu), and so much more. 
WORDS FROM MARTIN LUTHER on the Sacraments . . . “If you omit the Word, Baptism is simply water, and the Lord’s Supper is bread; for the Word is the kernel of the Sacrament. The holiness of St. Peter makes no Sacrament, nor do the materials. Only the Word does, as, for instance: I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. When the Word comes to the element, it becomes a Sacrament, and then Baptism is a ‘washing of regeneration’ (Titus 3:5). Otherwise, if the Word is not there, bread remains mere bread, and water is water. But when the Word is added—which says: This bread is My body, and the cup is My blood; again: This do in remembrance of Me—then it is a Sacrament.” (What Luther Says, compiled by Ewald M. Plass, Vol. III [St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1959] Page 1238)
DO YOU HAVE A QUESTION, comment, compliment, complaint, or just want to share a story with the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty? Your feedback is vital to shaping the future of the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty. See https://tinyurl.com/emailLCRL and thank you.
HEAD USHER: Gary McGuire                                            ALTAR COMMITTEE: Judy Sinclair
ELDERS:  Derek Liggett, Shan Hullman, Lee Van Slyke                                        Marsha Giggy                                                                                                                                                                                         Eudon Dutton     Gayle Bolen
TODAY - 8:00 am - The Lutheran Hour, KGNO (Dodge City, 1370 AM)
               8:00 am - The Lutheran Hour, KCVW (Wichita, Hutch., 94.3 FM)
               8:25 am - The Lutheran Hour, KMMM (Pratt, 1290 AM)
               8:30 am - The Lutheran Hour, KWBW (Hutchinson, 1450 AM)
              10:00 am - St. Paul Radio Broadcast, KMMM (Pratt, 1290 AM)
               6:00 pm - The Lutheran Hour, KREJ (88.1 FM)                             
MONDAY - 8:00 - 11:00 am - Secretary’s Office Hours
WEDNESDAY - 8:00 - 11:00 am - Secretary’s Office Hours
THURSDAY - 6:30 pm - Bible Study
FRIDAY - 8:00 - 11:00 am - Secretary’s Office Hours                 
SUNDAY - 9:00 am - Combined Sunday School Breakfast
               10:00 am - Worship                   
THE LUTHERAN HOUR - “Unhindered" (Acts 27 & 28)  Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler Dr. Jeff Gibbs and podcaster Jessica Bordeleau join Dr. Michael Zeigler to talk about St. Paul's harrowing journey to Rome.
STEWARDSHIP SENTENCES based on Ephesians 2:13 – “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.” What all of mankind’s efforts, works and scheming could not do, the blood of Christ did: We have peace with God, and we are brought near to the Father. This life-giving sacrifice of Christ sets the pattern for the sacrifices we are called to make for others in our vocations in home, church and society. (lcms.org/stewardship) 
CHRIST FOR YOU this week on KFUO.org: Hear stories from around the Synod (including our history series on the Puritan Movement) on The Coffee Hour (weekdays at 9:00 a.m. CT), study Luke 12-16 on Thy Strong Word (weekdays at 11:00 a.m. CT), and study Zechariah 9-13 on Sharper Iron (weekdays at 8:00 am CT).  Find your favorite programs on demand at kfuo.org or the KFUO Radio app.
About the Cover:  Five loaves and two fish were all that could be found.  But with Jesus’ blessing, a meager meal for a few people is a satisfying supper for five thousand men with twelve basketfulls to spare.  Jesus was showing Himself to be the Shepherd who feeds His people.  Jesus does not give us the Lord’s Supper to satify our stomachs, but to feed us with the abundance of His body and blood, given and shed for us.
