ORDER OF WORSHIP: LSB – Divine Service, Setting Three, pgs. 184ff
HYMNS: 533 - 507 - 409
SERMON: Jesus Says, “Do Not Be Afraid”
TEXT: Luke 5:1-11
Lord, on You I cast my burden—
Sink it in the deepest sea!
Let me know Your gracious pardon,
Cleanse me from iniquity.
Let Your Spirit leave me never;
Make me only Yours forever.
(LSB, #608, st. 4)
“Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You preserve my life; You stretch out Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and Your right hand delivers me” (Psalm 138:7).
» Thanksgiving for the temporal gifts and the eternal inheritance that our heavenly Father gives to us for the sake of His Son Jesus.
» For the peace of Jesus Christ crucified and risen from the dead to be with Kathie Thurman at the time of the death of Bob, her brother, last week and with all of Bob’s family; also for His peace to be with the family of Darlene Proctor since her death last Sunday; and the family of Darlene Studley since her death last Sunday; and for Rev. Stanley Palmer (Zion, Offerle/Our Redeemer, Kinsley) and his family at the death of his mother, Dolores, last Sunday.
» For the healing hand of the Lord Jesus to sustain and strengthen Marilyn Herren, Glen Honeman, Judy Fox, Eldon Ford, Shannon Avery as she anticipates surgery later this month, Darryl Engelhardt, Jill Kohlmeier (daughter-in-law of Marvin Kohlmeier, former mission worker for LCMS), and all for whom we pray.
» For the patience and peace of Jesus Christ to be lived in our homes and families, and that mothers and babies will be defended from harm and danger.
» For our Lutheran Schools that they will be supplied with teachers trained boldly to confess God’s Word in the classroom and ready to train children in faithful Christian citizenship.
VALENTINE'S DINNER will take place next Sunday, February 16, 2025. The Men's Club and Youth Group of St. Paul together will provide a meal after worship. Enjoy a dinner of fried chicken, mashed potatoes, salads and lovely desserts. Donations will be accepted for youth group projects and summer conferences. Thank you!
SUNDAY SCHOOL children have a Friendship Wall on the hallway bulletin board downstairs. There are paper pockets with their names on them. The congregation is invited to stop by and put small notes of Scripture, faith, encouragement and love for the youngest members of St. Paul.
THE FUNERAL SERVICE for Robert "Bob" Thurman, Kathie's brother, will be held this Tuesday, February 11th, at 10:00 am at Ascension Lutheran Church (842 N. Tyler) in Wichita. You can find Bob's obituary at Downing and Lahey Mortuary.
SAVE THE DATE - The Spring Meeting of the LWML Hutchinson Zone will be Saturday, March 29, 2025, at Immanuel Lutheran, Canton.
WORKERS TOGETHER, the Kansas District LCMS newsletter for February, reports of events happening in Christ’s church around the state of Kansas. Be sure to check it out at Scroll down the homepage and look for the "Workers Together" icon, or visit the “Communications” page on the website.
LEANING ON JESUS is the theme of a women’s retreat to be held at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Wichita (600 N. Greenwich Rd.) on Saturday, March 1st. This will be led by Author Deb Burma, based on the Scripture verse at Proverbs 3:5. Register today to pay a $25 fee. The cost increases to $30 after today. You may register at, or for more information see the fliers posted at in our church.
CHRIST FOR YOU this week on . . . Join us for Sharper Iron (weekdays at 8:00 a.m. CT) as we begin a new study on the book of 1 Samuel. On Thy Strong Word (weekdays at 11 a.m. CT), we continue our journey through Job, picking up with chapter 20. Don't forget to tune in to Concord Matters this Saturday (2/15 at 10:00 a.m. CT) as we begin a new study of the Smalcald Articles in the Book of Concord. Find your favorite programs on demand at or on the KFUO Radio app.
LUTHERAN CENTER FOR RELIGIOUS LIBERTY. . . Mom and Pop Papers are a collection of easy-to-read articles that provide a Christian public philosophy for life as we interact in the world. Download your copy at
HEAD USHER: Gary McGuire ALTAR COMMITTEE: Shelley Hullman
ELDERS: Derek Liggett, Shan Hullman, Lee Van Slyke Jan Jorns Terri LIggett
TODAY - 8:00 am - The Lutheran Hour, KGNO (Dodge City, 1370 AM)
8:00 am - The Lutheran Hour, KCVW (Wichita, Hutch., 94.3 FM)
8:25 am - The Lutheran Hour, KMMM (Pratt, 1290 AM)
8:30 am - The Lutheran Hour, KWBW (Hutchinson, 1450 AM)
10:00 am - St. Paul Radio Broadcast, KMMM (Pratt, 1290 AM)
6:00 pm - The Lutheran Hour, KREJ (88.1 FM)
MONDAY - 8:00 - 11:00 am - Secretary’s Office Hours
TUESDAY - 9 am - 2 pm - Quilt Groups meets
WEDNESDAY - 8:00 - 11:00 am - Secretary’s Office Hours
6:00 pm - Bethany Guild
6:30 pm - Midweek Classes
7:00 pm - Choir Rehearsal
THURSDAY - 6:30 pm - Bible Study
FRIDAY - 8:00 - 11:00 am - Secretary’s Office Hours
SUNDAY - 9:00 am - Sunday School and Bible Class
10:00 am - Worship with Holy Communion
- Valentine Dinner
THE LUTHERAN HOUR - “We Have an Advocate” (John 5:6). Where we might see only a problem, Jesus sees a person who needs an Advocate. Lutheran Hour Speaker - Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler.
THE PROMISES OF GOD IN SCRIPTURE SERIES…How do you know if a promise in the Bible is for you? Issues, Etc., a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio is doing a series on The Promises of God with Pastor Will Weedon of “The Word of the Lord Endures Forever.” You can listen to this series at
STEWARDSHIP SENTENCES based on Luke 5:5 – “And Simon answered, ‘Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets.’” In Peter’s words there is both exasperation and trust. He’s tired. He tried his best and failed. But he is still ready to trust the Lord’s Word and act on it. Our stewardship is also a matter of trusting the Lord’s Word and acting on it.
About the Cover: The fishermen had given up after a frustrating night’s worth of casting and pulling in empty nets. But then Jesus stepped into the boat, had them push off from land, and taught them. At His word, casting those empty nets brought in an amazing haul of fish so great that the nets were breaking and boats were sinking. Indeed, the Lord brings in an astonishing catch of believers, not by our power, but by the power of His Gospel of forgiveness.
EPISTLE - I Corinthians 14:12b-20
HOLY GOSPEL - Luke 5:1-11